Building Together for LIFE on March 30: The March for Life 2024 in Romania and Moldova (Press release) – The 14th edition of the March for Life will take place on Saturday, March 30, 2024, in Bucharest and hundreds of other cities and towns across Romania and the Republic of Moldova. This event is the culmination of the “Month for Life 2024” project.

Building Together for LIFE

The Month for Life 2024 is a nationwide series of pro-life activities all sharing this year’s common theme: Building Together for Life:

We are building together a culture of support for pregnant women, celebrating the infinite value and dignity of every human person from the first moment of their existence. We are building together a culture of empathy and decency, where pregnant women can confidently and fearlessly share their condition and the issues they are confronted with. We are building together a culture of contribution to a safer and more dignified world. We are building support communities.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. We strongly believe that it takes a responsible and empathetic community to protect the pregnant woman so that she can carry and give birth to her child in the best conditions. We know that it is only through everybody’s involvement that we can build this culture.

What women need:

family and friends who are there for them; men who understand the situation of pregnant women and mothers and who support them to have a personal, professional, family and social life.

→ competent medical staff with recognized status in society, adequately rewarded materially and fair working hours.

→ professionally trained and respected social workers who can intervene in difficult situations; psychologists, therapists, priests and others who can provide emotional and psychological support.

→ formal and informal education institutions/organizations that educate young people and the community about relationships, respect, support and values.

leaders and trendsetters who foster dialogue between all the members of our society, so that people are permanently informed and educated.

public servants and politicians who understand all the aspects of pro-life support and are willing to create laws that respond to this need.

The theme of this year’s March for Life was inspired by the situation that led last year to the death of Alexandra Ivanov, a 25-year-old mother who was denied medical care following a miscarriage. Alexandra Ivanov was among the organizers of the March for Life in her city and supported young women in pregnancy crisis since she was in high school. She was her community’s heart of good deeds. This year’s March for Life Romania and the Republic of Moldova is dedicated to her and the unborn child that she lost.

A world where all pregnant women and all children are welcome and supported

Our message is addressed to society as a whole, which is why our approach is apolitical, non-denominational and does not support any form of ostracism of women.

We are witnessing a lack of comprehensive information and education for young people.  That is why we focus our efforts on educating the younger generation, to prepare them to make informed decisions.

We strongly believe that education and correct information are the most powerful weapons in the fight to build a civilized society that respects human rights.

We know that only by working together and collaborating we can have a solid impact on society. We are not advocating for a legal ban on abortion. Instead, we encourage respect for a fundamental right: the right to bring into the world every human being, every person who is conceived inside another person. We can do that by offering support to pregnant women who find themselves in a potentially fragile and difficult situation. Respect for life at any stage of development is the essence of the harmonious development of human society.

We advocate for an increased responsibility for life in society by supporting the mother and the child.

We build awareness of the existence of life in every unborn child.

We bring together stakeholders who, through shared vision and collaboration, are building a better future for generations to come.


The March for LIFE and the other pro-life activities are based on free-will involvement and are organized independently in each city or town in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Each local organizer takes full responsibility for the activities and the message conveyed.

PRO-LIFE activities will be organized in more than 1,000 cities and towns during the Month for Life 2024:

  • artistic events;
  • charitable events;
  • information and education events;
  • social events.

The March for Life 2024 to be held on March 30, 2024, in Bucharest, Romania, is organized by Students for Life Bucharest (the Bucharest branch of Romania’s pro-life students’ association) and by Romania for Life Association.

Participants in the Bucharest March for Life 2024 shall gather starting from 11:30 AM hours in University Square, near the statues. At 12:30, participants depart on the following route: Regina Elisabeta Blvd – Schitu Măgureanu Blvd – Izvor Park. The „Live for Life” concert starts at 13:00 in Izvor Park.


We look forward to seeing you in March at the events and activities organized in the Month for Life 2024! On Saturday, March 30, we look forward to building together the biggest PRO-LIFE event of 2024!

Teodora Diana Paul                                                           Alexandra Nadane
President                                                                            President
Studenți pentru viață                                            România pentru viață

Tel: 0770.758.070                                                       

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