The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Northern Europe, November 18, 2017 – On November 18, 2017, at the foster care center in Tampere, Finland, His Eminence Macarie, Romanian Orthodox
Romania’s Coalition for Family and the Civic Platform IMPREUNA (“TOGETHER”) organize on November 11, 2017, a meeting in support of Dr Camelia Smicala, a Romanian mother from Finland
On October 1st, 2017, the Counseling Center for Parents and Children “Saint Alexandra The Empress” was inaugurated in Bucharest. At the event, Alexandra Nadane, the center’s executive director, received
Dr. Simona Druga, an expert in child and teenage psychology at MindCare center in Bucharest, has worked with many adoptive families and is able to confirm a troubling reality:
Countries like Australia or the US have a so-called “open adoption” law, which allows starting the adoption process during pregnancy. It has proved an excellent solution for all