Romanian Senator Lungu to the universities: „Gender studies are not a free debate of ideas, but a politico-leftist indoctrination”

After the Romanian Parliament adopted a law banning gender theory in education, several Romanian universities, including the University of Bucharest and the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, deplored the law, arguing that it is a political interference in education and that universities need freedom of debate for any ideas.

Therefore, the initiator of the law, Senator Vasile Cristian Lungu, sent them an open memorandum asking for clarifications regarding their position.

He asks whether universities propose gender studies in an objective and historical sense, such as the history of communism or Nazism, or in fact propose the transformation of gender theory into a general grid of interpretation for all objects of study:

Gender theory is taught in your institution in objective courses such as Nazism or Communism (where the teacher is not a propagandist of Nazism or Communism) or gender theory is proposed in your institution as a single reading grid, as under communism was imposed on history, literature or philology the Marxist reading grid?

In the document, the Senator affirms that gender studies are not a free debate of ideas, but a politico-leftist indoctrination and asks:

Your university rejects political propaganda, but is it okay to allow an ideological-political theory (of neo-Marxist origin) to spread uncritically and be proposed to students as an objective science?”

The Romanian Senator asks the management of the universities whether they intend to rewrite the Biology textbooks and adopt as internal policies the ultimate consequences of the Gender Theory: Will they accept men pretending to be women to compete in university sports, and use the women facilities, such as toilets and lockers?

Since the Romanian higher education institutions publicly declared that they „reject political propaganda” in academic debate, the Senator emphasized that his law does exactly that – it prevents political propaganda:

„…my legislative proposal (L87 / 2020)… legislates precisely that.”

In the end, Senator Lungu asks the institutions whether their educational offer includes study objects such as family and family life, which might contribute to society by increasing marital happiness and reducing divorcerate.

The Senator sent the memorandum to the following higher education institutions: the University of Bucharest, the „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), the Western University of Timișoara (WUT) and to the „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.

Find below ample excerpts from Sen. Lungu’s memorandum.

Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis has committed to not countersign this law.

Sen. Vasile Cristian Lungu has graduated International Affairs, Psychology and Business from the Loyola University in Chicago.

Your Excellencies,

(…) I am writing to you out of respect for science, but also out of the mandated duty I received from the citizens of Romania as an elected senator.

I confess that by reading the online press release that you have undertaken, I understood that in the institution of great prestige and applauded at the international level that you pastor is accepted and put into practice a theory that appeared relatively recently in the international and national academic environment, but which is extremely controversial and which has led to some practical consequences very harmful to the normality of a natural society. I specify that my legislative approach comes from my own experiences that I met in the academic environment in the United States of America where I was educated.

Therefore, in view of the above, I would like to draw your attention to a few questions to which I respectfully ask you to provide answers in order to be able to clarify a factual situation that may or may not exist in your institution.

1. Given the fact that Babeș-Bolyai University has as its academic and spiritual patron the scientist, Dr. Victor Babeș, a pioneer of biology, I would like to ask you if biology is edifying and clear regarding the male-female differentiation or is it necessary of another science and which would be the one in which to analyze the differentiation mentioned above?

2. If science is based on empirical observation in nature, and the science of biology is not sufficient to explain male-female differentiation and there is a need for another science to study gender, how can this science observe gender analyze and establish where gender is found in a man: in his mind, in his imagination, in his soul, etc.? Biological sex can be observed by empirical study of the genitals. But where can the genres be seen?

3. Is the theory / opinion accepted in your institution that the gender of a child is a different concept from the biological sex of that child and that the two are not always the same? So that the gender of a child does not necessarily have to correspond to biological sex and that that child is, consequently, psychologically or psychiatrically healthy?

4. Do you think that biological sex acquired at birth should not label people as women or men, but that each child should choose for himself from the dozens of types of gender, invented by proponents of gender theory, according to daily personal preference?

5. Accept that a child who is born with male sexual organs does not necessarily mean that he is a boy, but may be in terms of the boy’s sex, but in terms of the girl’s gender or have a fluid gender (one day girl, one day boy, the third day again girl and so on)?

6. Did you know that proponents of gender theory claim that there are at least 114 genres such as:

Agenda: the feeling of lack / absence of gender or gender neutrality
Amicagender: gender that changes depending on the boyfriend / girlfriend you are with at one time or another
Androgynous: the feeling of being a mixture of masculine and feminine (and often neutral) gender traits
Agenital: the desire to be without primary sexual characteristics, but without necessarily being genderless; an agenital can be identified with any other gender simultaneously
Astralgender: a genre that feels connected to outer space
Bigender: the feeling of having two genders either simultaneously, or consecutive and alternative; usually the one who feels this way can be described as “traditionally a man” and “traditionally a woman”, but it is not obligatory
Ceterogender: a non-binary gender (ed. – involving the existence of more than two genders, male and female) with specifically masculine, feminine or neutral feelings
Keterofluid: keterogender whose specifically masculine, feminine or neutral feelings fluctuate
Cisgender: the feeling of always identifying with the gender (male or female) that was assigned to you at birth
Demigender: feels partly of one kind and partly of another kind
Egogender: a genre whose experience is so personal that it can only be described as “I”
Existigender: a genre that exists or feels present only when a conscious effort is made to observe it
Femgender: a non-binary genre, but which is feminine in nature
Gemigender: having two opposing, fluid genres simultaneously that create a flow together
Genderblank: a genre that can only be described as an empty white space, which appears in the mind of the one who experiences it when it comes to gender
Genderflow: a fluid genre between infinite feelings
Genderfluid: the feeling of fluidity within one’s own gender identity; the feeling that you have a different gender over time or in various situations; the number of genres that can thus be experienced in this fluidity is unlimited
Genderqueer: originally used as an umbrella term by non-binary persons (n.ed. – who identify with other genders, invented and different from masculine / feminine); it can also be a gender identity; describes a non-binary gender whether the individual has male or female tendencies
Heliogender: a genus that is hot and burning?

7. At Babeș-Bolyai University, each student can choose their gender and be: boy or girl, without biological sex mattering, and the simple clamor of a gender (not followed by any biological sex change operation) to be accepted by the institution and put into practice in the sense of changing the student ID according to gender and not biological sex (for example: astralgender, agender, demigender, heliogender, etc.)?

8. Students who are born boys, but claim to be, in fact, girls, are accepted in sports competitions at UBB reserved only for girls? Moreover, are these boys allowed to use the girls’ toilets and showers inside the UBB buildings because they feel they are, in fact, girls?

9. Invoke in your position “the defense of academic freedom and autonomy”. Consider that this academic freedom and autonomy must include an extremely dangerous set of theories / opinions banned in the academic environment in Europe, such as the intellectual superiority of members of one race or another? Your Excellencies, we cannot selectively argue only certain theses that suit us and that lack academic consensus.

10. Gender theory is taught in your institution in objective courses such as Nazism or Communism (where the teacher is not a propagandist of Nazism or Communism) or gender theory is proposed in your institution as a single reading grid, as under communism was imposed on history, literature or philology the Marxist reading grid?

I ask you this because such a reading grid would not be scientific, so neutral, but partisan, so unscientific. In its logic, some aspects would be hailed as “reactionary”, “patriarchal”, and others would be praised as “subversive”, “revolutionary”, “progressive”.

And if this is the case, this theory has nothing to do with universities and should not be presented as an absolute scientific truth to students because it is unscientific and ideologically partisan. Your university rejects political propaganda, but is it okay to allow an ideological-political theory (of neo-Marxist origin) to spread uncritically and be proposed to students as an objective science?

In fact, gender studies are not a free debate of ideas, but a politico-leftist indoctrination (more or less radical). They do not (in) form young people, but shape them ideologically.

As your institution built on moral and just principles opposes “any kind of political or ideological intrusion on science / academia”, this is my legislative proposal (L87 / 2020) which legislates precisely that no ideology (such as gender) should be imposed in schools, because it has serious repercussions on the integrity of young people.

Gender ideology comes from the program of neo-Marxist political groups, so it also has a political implication. That is why Babeș-Bolyai University should oppose gender ideology and support my legislative proposal.

PS: Your Excellencies, please let me know, as part of the answer to this memorandum, if in your institution there is currently accepted a subject about starting a family, about husband-wife relationships, about how to raise a family children, about family harmony in order to increase marital happiness and reduce the divorce rate?

Senator Vasile-Cristian Lungu

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