International Forum Large Family and Future of Humanity. Interview with Ignacio Arsuaga, President,, Spain
|What was your most important accomplishment?
We have worked on the Spanish public opinion, organizing very big demonstrations, we collected more than one million signatures, we rented three buses that went through Spain, delivering information on what abortion is. We have just opened a new center in the center of Madrid, our Capital city, about human life, about abortion. All of that made our center-right popular party, who’s right now in government, to include in their electoral platform the commitment to abolish the current abortion law and approve a law that would protect human life. That hasn’t happened yet. They’ve been in power for two years but they already approved their project of law and we are putting pressure on the government so that they fulfill their commitment. We will be one of the few Western European countries where an abortion law is repealed. Probably that’s our most important thing that we’ve done.
What are your thoughts and expectations coming at this forum?
We also have CitizenGO, which is a petition platform. We started last year in seven languages, most of them are in the two Americas and Western Europe, but now we are opening four more languages, mostly from Eastern Europe, specifically Hungarian, Croatian, Dutch and Russian. So we know that there are many people fighting for life in Eastern Europe and we wanted to reach out and help the groups build their own lists. Each pro-life organization with which we cooperate is creating their new petitions and they are able, with our tool, to get many signatures, to raise awareness on public issues, on their campaigns. We also help them get the data of the signers of the new petitions. So we help them build a list and develop a social movement, which is essential I think if you want to change culture, if you want to change the laws.
What is your message for Romanian families?
I would say first of all, take into account that family is your first vocation, your first mission, so I would encourage you to be faithful to your husbands, to your wives, to dedicate them the biggest and best part of your time, to look at your children. And, at the same time, to get together. Do not feel alone, do not live alone as a single family. Meet other families, so that we become stronger as families, each family and altogether. And please raise your voice in public to defend your rights as individuals and as families! Families have the right to be protected by the state and society. We as families, are the future of society, families are the future of Romania. That’s why we should mobilize and make sure our voice is heard by the public opinion, by society and by politicians.