Tenor Vlad Mirita, supporter of Romania’s March for Life: “Man needs to learn to assume responsibility”
|Romania’s March for Life is at the 5th edition. Last year there were 40 cities organizing it and over 1.000 people joined the event in Bucharest, the Capital city. Studenti pentru Viata, the pro-life students’ association which has organized the march in Bucharest and coordinated actions in the other organizing cities, has announced 77 Romanian cities joining this year the March for Life 2015 – “Every Life Is a Gift”. It will be held on the same day, on March 21st, on World Down Syndrome Day. As a premiere, two cities from the Republic of Moldova have joined, promoting impeccably the event via tv and online.
The march in Bucharest will end this year, just like the previous edition, with the concert “Live for Life”, which will gather many loved Romanian performers: IRIS rock band, tenor Vlad Mirita and many others.
Vlad Mirita was also at the Live for Life 2014 edition, and will sing on the 21st of March, too. So we have asked him how he sees man, woman, family and kids, to better understand why he has chosen to get involved in the event.
Rep.: What is family to you?
For me, family means my parents, my grandparents, the children I grew up with, my cousins, uncles and aunts, school mates, high-school and college colleagues, the city I was born and grew up in, my mentors, the Priests and Monks who guided me, my scene colleagues and all my friends!
They are all somehow related to me and making up my roots.
Rep.: How do you see man’s role and characteristics?
The man needs to know or, if he doesn’t know, he needs to learn to assume responsibility, to take decisions, to fight for the family welfare and love his wife in everything he does.
Rep.: What about woman’s role?
She has the most important role. She gives birth to children and also educates and loves them. It’s her also who is – or should be – the balance of the house. She brings peace, she envelops everything in her powerful love, love which is net superior to man’s love, because it is very comprehensive, patient, delicate, deep. The woman is the key. Whoever said that said it very well.
Rep.: How do you see children? What is the child to the family?
Children are family’s treasure. Children can give cohesion to families and give sense to life, they are the source of their parents’ actions and reflect their parents’ qualities.
Rep.: You were involved in the March for Life last year and are also involved this year. What is the message you would like to send to Romanians on this new edition of the March for Life?
We live in a world where everything natural gets denied. Ultimately, life itself is being denied. That is why I urge Romanians to pass through the filter of their soul whatever society and mass media propose. I entreat them to be very selective and a plea for their insightfulness!
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