The Month for Life 2023: Public policies proposed by the March for Life movement in Romania and Moldova
|, March 31, 2023 – The March for Life Romania and the Republic of Moldova has transmitted a post-event press release summarising the 2023 Month for Life activities. The release also reiterates the public policies for mothers and children proposed by the pro-life movement in the two countries which share the same language, traditions and history.
Concrete measures proposed to support pregnant women and their children:
• Granting a child-raising allowance at the level of the minimum wage to women who have not worked in the last 12 months before giving birth;
• Granting an allowance to pregnant women after the 14th week of pregnancy to cover special needs – this can be done by extending the child-raising allowance during the last months of pregnancy;
• Establishing support centres for pregnant women;
• Training medical staff and providing complementary non-medical support that addresses the needs and well-being of women during birth;
• Legislating open adoption, which could make it easier to place for adoption or accept for adoption children who cannot be cared for by their parents or biological relatives;
• Supporting pregnant teenagers to complete their pregnancy and encouraging the mentality that such a pregnancy can be a chance for a foster family to provide a child with a beautiful life;
• Developing programmes to prevent violence, abuse and sexual offences by respecting the developmental stages of children and parental rights when addressing minors, and developing support and protection programmes for victims.
“We will continue our support until every child lives in a world where they are met with care and love, not fear, hostility and violence,” said the leaders of Students for Life Bucharest and Romanaia for Life, two Romanian pro-life organizations.
“Our behaviour towards the most vulnerable and those most in need of care is the measure of our humanity and kindness, our dignity and our souls.”
Marșul pentru viață 2023 s-a desfășurat sâmbătă, 25 martie 2023, în sute de localități de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului și a încununat Luna pentru viață 2023.
The March for Life 2023 took place on Saturday, March 25, 2023, in hundreds of cities and towns from Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as the culminating event of the 2023 Month for Life.
1100 cities and towns from Romania and Moldova hosting at least one pro-life activity during the Month for Life: support actions for mothers and children, story-telling and pro-life sign-making workshops, Women’s Day flower-giving actions, conferences, workshops, pro-life youth debates, environmental activities, cross-country skiing, concerts, fundraising for women in crisis pregnancies, conferences etc.
Through this year’s theme, “The Future Is Pro-Life”, the civic movement has aimed “to raise awareness and engage participants and society in building a pro-life future – a future in which every pregnant woman in need will be supported to give birth to her children and in which the life of every born and unborn child will be valued fully, regardless of age or health status, whether boy or girl,” explained the Bucharest organizers.
“An authentic pro-life future, present in the heart of every person, begins when we realise that every child is a gift to the world, which we are called to protect by supporting the mother who bears it,” is further stated in the press release.
The speakers of the March for Life 2023 in Bucharest, the CApital city of Romania, were Teodora Diana Paul – president of Studenți pentru viață București (“Students for Life Bucharest”), Alexandra Nadane – president of România pentru viață (“Romania for Life”), singer Iustina Irimia Cenușă (who also sang in the “Live for Life” concert at the march), Roxana Muthi – a mother helped to give birth by the ROUA, pregnancy help centres, Maria Ionescu – who was born after her mother went through a difficult pregnancy crisis, Anca Miron – a person with Down syndrome and paediatrician Alexandru Voropanov.
In Romania, the March for Life has reached its 13th national edition this year, and in the Republic of Moldova its 9th national edition.
It is apolitical, and nondenominationalș it does not advocate the prohibition of abortion and opposes any women’s exclusion. The March has no centralised leadership; local editions have different and independent organisers.