The March for Life 2022 in Romania and Moldova: Equality of opportunities starts at conception (Press Release), Bucharest, February 19th – Organizers published on February 19 the press release of the March for Life 2022 in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The common theme is inspired by this year’s March for Life in Washington, DC.

  • Download here the full text of the press release in *pdf format, with ideas of activities in the Month for Life, ways to offer support to mothers in pregnancy crisis, information on pregnancy crisis and the trauma of abortion;
  • Download here updated statistics on abortion from Romania and the world;
  • Read below the full text of this year’s press release.

Saturday, March 26, is the date of the March for Life 2022 “Equality, Equity and Support – Throughout Life, from the First Moment”. It is the 12th national edition of this event which crowns the Month for Life.

The Month for Life extends between March 1 and 31 and has the same theme as the march. The event, which is held both nationally and internationally, has the goal of raising awareness on the full humanity of preborn children and on the need to support women in pregnancy crisis so they can give birth to their children.

This year’s March for Life theme is inspired by the theme of the March for Life 2022 Washington, DC, which has reached its 49th edition this year – “Equality begins in the Womb”. It is an invitation to reflect on equal opportunities for pregnant women in difficult situations and on equal opportunities for their preborn children.

The goal for this year’s edition is that all who see the march, interact with it and participate in it can better understand its message and the aim of all pro-life activities. This aim is to raise awareness on the full humanity of preborn children and on the need to support women in pregnancy crisis to give birth to their children. It is all about equal opportunities for pregnant women in difficult situations and their preborn children. For this purpose, we have created a unified visual identity to be used by local marches nationwide. It helps us communicate better and more clearly the message of our cause.

An important part of the message sent by the March for Life is that the event is apolitical and non-confessional, that it does not advocate for a legal ban on abortion and that it rejects all forms of women exclusion.

All activities in the Month for Life will be organized respecting current sanitary protection standards. In Bucharest, the March for Life 2022 “Equality, Equity and Support – Throughout Life, from the First Moment” is organized by the associations Studenți pentru viață (Romania’s pro-life students’ association) and România pentru viață (“Romania for Life”). It will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2022, between 12:00 and 16:00 hours. It starts in the park in Unirii Square and it ends in Tineretului Park. The event will respect current sanitary protection standards.

Ideologizing abortion hides the tragedy of pregnancy crisis, rejects the idea of support and generates inequality of opportunities

Just as the preborn child has no chance faced with the gynaecologist’s curette, a woman in pregnancy crisis has almost no chance faced with the social “curette” which is the result of total lack of help, of exclusion by those she loves, of incrimination for being pregnant and thus interfering with other people’s plans and wishes.

In reality, most abortions are performed against the woman’s wish, as a result of other people’s pressure. The right term would be “forced abortion” – not necessarily by physical force, but by psychological harassment. Nevertheless, the lens of ideology ignores this plain abuse and emphasize the right to abortion. The expressions “Abortion is a right” and “My body, my choice” become a curtain which justifies ignorance and indifference, while cancelling the perception of reality and the feeling of compassion. The result is that the facts are never objectively analyzed and women do not get real support. This external support would make them feel not alone and able to evaluate their options and make an informed decision.

Lack of support and inequality of opportunities for women in pregnancy crisis are ignored both by progressives – who promote equal opportunities only after birth, and by conservatives – who see personal success as a mere consequence of personal choices, while those around have no duty to carry the burden of other people’s choices.

For every child, equal opportunities start before being born

Children’s right to equal opportunities starts at the moment of conception and it implies first of all that their mothers be encouraged to give birth to them.

Equal opportunities for a conceived child mean that we do not prefer a boy to a girl.

Equal opportunities for all children also mean offering prompt help to a child diagnosed before birth with a severe medical condition – and to its parents. Social inclusion strategies for people with Down Syndrome are incomplete and inequitable since most of these children are aborted in the EU.

General causes of pregnancy crisis

Any woman may experience a pregnancy crisis at some point in her life, no matter her social status, her family status, her income or education. Yet, less educated women, women from underprivileged social environments and women from families with a history of alcoholism, violence and/or addiction are more inclined to resort to abortion.

The general background of elective abortion is the lack of options generated by lack of external support. A study from the US shows that 67% of women who resort to an abortion did not receive any form of counselling [1], which would have offered them information and support.

General causes

  • Emotional dependence: women are forced to choose between the child’s life and their relationship with the child’s father, who does not want the child;
  • Mothers are neglected or left by the child’s father;
  • The woman is financially dependent on the child’s father, who asks her to get an abortion;
  • The woman is in a toxic and violent relationship from which she cannot get out;
  • The woman is unmarried and afraid she may be excluded by those around her if she gives birth;
  • The woman finds out during pregnancy that she may give birth to a child with special needs;
  • The woman is a victim of rape or incest;
  • The woman is a victim of human trafficking and forced prostitution. How many of those denouncing these atrocious realities also point to the forced abortions sexually exploited women are subjected to? What kind of support is offered to these women to help them not resort to abortion?
  • Pressure from employers, who often ask pregnant women to choose between keeping their child and losing their job or continuing their career with the price of an abortion. Although abortion should not be a requirement for professional success, the frequency of such situations discourages women from suing their employers over it.

Moreover, there is a visible trend among employers to not hire young and recently-married women, for fear that they may soon enter maternity leave. It is a fact that, upon employment, young women are often presented with unwritten clauses such as: “You cannot be pregnant for the following 5 years” – and later, if they refuse abortion, they are threatened: “We shall eliminate your post by the time you return from maternity leave”, or “There shall be no job promotion after you return”.

  • Sex-selective abortion: boys are preferred to girls;
  • The mother’s physical or mental health;
  • Poverty.

Causes by age groups

Abortion among teenagers:

  • Parents are not concerned about their education and development;
  • Lack of parental affection;
  • Lack of education;
  • Poverty;
  • The parents’ pressure;
  • Pressure at school: teenagers are threatened with being expelled instead of being offered support.

Abortion among young women:

  • Fear that they shall not be able to finish their studies if they give birth while they are students;
  • The parents’ pressure;
  • Lack of material support: a house, a job.

Abortion among adult young women:

  • The deeply-rooted opinion and pressure that having children and getting a career are incompatible with each other;
  • Lack of support programs for working mothers: playgrounds, nurseries, kindergartens;
  • Lack of child-friendly employers;
  • Having raised other children by themselves, which makes them feel physically, psychologically and emotionally exhausted;

Abortion among adult women over 40:

  • Fear of the community’s reaction: “What shall people say of me having a child at this age?”;
  • Fear of their own children’s reaction, if they are teenagers or young adults, fear of age difference among their children;
  • Fear of their preborn child’s health problems.

Abortion rate in state hospitals, by age groups, in 2020 [2]

Age groupPercentage of the total number of abortions
15-19 yrs.9%
20-24 yrs.18%
25-29 yrs.22%
30-34 yrs.24%
35-39 yrs.17%
40-44 yrs.9%
45-49 yrs.1%

Statistics referring to the consequences of abortion on women’s health

The Elliot Institute quotes research demonstrating that women have no access to information and counselling when they need to decide whether to get an abortion. Studies made on women in this situation have revealed the following:

  • 64% of them declared feeling pressured to get an abortion [3];
  • Most have felt compelled to get an abortion or unsure whether they wanted it – despite this, 67% of them did not receive counselling [4];
  • Abortion clinics are not able to detect coercion [5];
  • 64% of women who have had an abortion said their partner did not offer support [6];
  • The pressure to abort can end in violence and crime; the leading cause of death among US pregnant women is homicide [7];
  • The suicide rate among women who have had an abortion is six times higher than in those having given birth [8];
  • 65% of women are left with symptoms of psychological trauma after an abortion [9];
  • A meta-analysis of 22 studies published in 2011 by the British Journal of Psychiatry revealed a link between abortion and mental health problems. Data was collected from 877,181 persons, of whom 163,831 had had at least one abortion, and it discovered that “women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems [10]”;
  • In 2015, Romania had Europe’s highest rate of maternal death during the abortion procedure: 2,67% [11].

Women’s relationship with their religious communities

Many women feel rather judged than helped by their religious communities. Yet, when they experience pregnancy crisis, most seek psychological and moral support at church before making a decision and then after making the decision to abort. It is the conclusion of a poll entitled „The Church and Abortion”, made in 2015 for the US pro-life organization Care Net, which has a network of more than 1,100 pregnancy support centers [12].

Religious communities should be prepared to help women in pregnancy crisis by directing them to the closest specialized center and thus becoming actively involved in supporting women.

The study showed:

  • 70% of women having resorted to abortion were Christian; 75% of the Americans declared themselves Christians in 2015;
  • Over 40% of women who have had an abortion go to church at least once a month;
  • Only 7% of the women who have had an abortion discussed their decision with someone from their church;
  • 76% of the women who get an abortion are influenced in their decision by their religious membership;
  • 65% of women who have had an abortion consider that church-going people judge women who get pregnant outside marriage;
  • 64% consider that church-going people would rather gossip about women in pregnancy crisis than help them;
  • Only 30% consider that they receive accurate information on pregnancy crisis from their church;
  • When confronted with a pregnancy crisis, women expect or experience mostly judgement (33%) or condemnation (26%) by their church community, while getting attention (16%) or support (14%) are expected or experienced to a lesser degree.

Pregnancy crisis support can be developed on 3 directions:

  • On a personal level: the partner, the parents, family members, close friends are the first to find out about the pregnancy and they can offer moral support so that the woman does not feel alone, pressured to abort or left without solutions.
  • On a community level: other women, other mothers, colleagues, friends, acquaintances, church communities can offer emotional, spiritual and material support to help the woman surmount the crisis;
  • On an institutional level: support centers for women in pregnancy crisis can offer professional support: counselling, social work, material support, money for medical investigations, baby and birth kits, products for the mother and child, support groups, breastfeeding trainings, support in finding a job.

The activities organized in the Month for Life have the following goals:

  • To raise awareness among the general audience and the governmental and non-governmental institutions regarding the facts of pregnancy crisis – a widely-present phenomenon still considered taboo and generating silent tragedies.
  • To inform the general audience on the existence of such tragedies and to encourage women in pregnancy crisis to ask for the professional help of specialized centers.
  • To build active communication channels with people and with all public or private entities, in order to find new and real solutions protecting the mother in pregnancy crisis and her preborn child.
  • To generate bridges of cooperation between public institutions and organizations which support the mother during pregnancy and after the child’s birth.
  • To require (and help) public institutions to formulate public policies of support for women in pregnancy crisis.

Every year, the March for Life offers policy suggestions with a view to support women in pregnancy crisis and their preborn children:

  • Instituting an allowance for pregnant women, granted from the 14th week of pregnancy; it shall cover her special needs during pregnancy and it can be implemented by extending the child allowance period to the last months of pregnancy;
  • Instituting child allowance for women who have not been employed for 12 months before pregnancy: the amount can be the minimum wage;
  • Establishing support centers for pregnant women, where they can get, upon request, free psychological counselling, coaching, social work and any other type of support they may need to overcome their pregnancy crisis;
  • Training medical staff to offer additional non-medical support, addressing the needs and welfare of women who checked in the hospital to give birth.
  • Amending the adoption law to include the option of starting the adoption before birth: pregnant women who feel they cannot raise the child should be able to start the adoption procedure during pregnancy and be given a certain amount of time after birth when they can change their mind and keep the child – similarly to the practice in the US, Great Britain, Australia;
  • Amending the adoption law to include the possibility of open adoption, which could ease the process of giving a child for adoption or getting adoption approval from the child’s biological family – if the family cannot care for the child;
  • Supporting pregnant teenagers to give birth as a first step towards learning to assume responsibility; promoting the idea that the pregnancy can be a chance for an adoptive family to offer the child a good life;
  • Promoting all actors involved in the adoption process, in order to eliminate disparaging attitudes towards adopted children and parents and especially towards mothers or parents who give their children for adoption when major difficulties affect their ability to properly care for them;
  • Initiating a law on placing “baby boxes” in the external walls of hospitals, where mothers who feel they cannot care for their children can safely put their babies – an emergency solution to a crisis situation; baby boxes prevent infanticide and infant abandonment and are functional in many countries of the world.
  • Implementing public policies of support to allow public institutions to cooperate with organizations and support centers within the communities, offering women in pregnancy crisis the necessary help during pregnancy and after birth; it will make them feel supported by society and those around.

Who can offer support? And how much support?

“You need a village to raise a child,” they say. Indeed, the state is constantly involved in raising and educating children – at least on a declarative level. Just the same, we need to involve a whole community in the birth of a child – by offering protection to the mother. We need people who are aware of their responsibility towards their fellow people.

Help is in the hearts and the hands of all people:

  • Any man can support a woman in pregnancy crisis, even though the child is not his.Any woman who has been herself through a pregnancy crisis can testify to what it means.
  • Any woman who has not been through such an experience can understand there are women who need support.
  • Society’s elites have political and mind-shaping instruments to help them implement measures of social protection.
  • Ordinary people who meet women in pregnancy crisis can help them if they want and if they make an effort on this purpose.

We call upon everybody without incriminating anybody, but appealing to people to understand pregnancy crisis. Only by receiving support from those around her can a woman in pregnancy crisis find the necessary peace and benefit of equal in opportunities. This leads to equal opportunities and equal chances to life for all their preborn children. Support in pregnancy crisis is one step forward on the path towards a truly equitable society.

People’s equality begins at conception, but it is real only in an equitable society, which offers a chance to life to all people.

Every child is a gift to the world, a gift which we are called upon to protect by supporting the mother carrying it.

The Month for Life (March 1-31) offers a wonderful opportunity for activities that express in a practical way the ideas presented above. Please find below a list of possible activities. The love and responsibility manifested by each local organizer can lead to the creation of other activities of raising awareness and support.

Let’s show women in pregnancy crisis that they are not alone!


  1. Post, distribute, promote online pro-life banners, testimonies, articles, announcements and reports about the Month for Life 2022 “Equality, Equity and Support – Throughout Life, from the First Moment”.,
  2. Pro-Life Pay It Forward Online. Social media users are invited to post video clips with their answers to the question: “What would you do to ensure more equality and equity for mothers and their children?” also adding the hashtags #mpv2022 and #egalitateechitatesisprijin (“#equalityequitysupport”). Tuesday, March 1.
  3. Pro-life movie screenings. A list of pro-life movies and their description can be found at You can also receive the movies by sending an email to
  4. “Tell Me a Story for the Soul” – pro-life reading sessions with children, coordinated by teacher Ioana Revnic. Contact:
  5. The National Charitable Campaign “Support for Centers – Support for Life” – pro-life teenagers, young people and adults of all ages are encouraged to reunite and support the closest center offering help to women in pregnancy crisis. One can donate: diapers, powdered milk, care products for babies, food, money.
  6. The National Day of Pro-Life Sweets – supporters of life are invited to make sweets together with the loved ones and decorate them with pro-life messages, then post the photos on social media with the hashtag: #prajituriproviata (“#prolifesweets”). Saturday, March 5.
  7. Charitable Sale of Pro-Life Sweets to support women in pregnancy crisis. The sweets prepared on the National Day of Pro-Life Sweets can be sold in a charitable market and the money can be sent to a center for women in pregnancy crisis. Sunday, March 6.
  8. Flowers for Mothers. Pro-life volunteers offer flowers to pregnant women and to women hosted by hospital maternities or maternal centers. Flowers are accompanied by the message: “Mom, thank you for giving me life!” Tuesday, March 8.
  9. The Online Campaign “Mom, Thank You for Giving Me Life!” Supporters are invited to post as a social media profile photo the sign with their birth year and the message: “Mom, thank you for giving me life!” The signs can be downloaded from here: Tuesday, March 8
  10. Workshop for Teenagers: How to make online banners with pro-life messages. Participants can learn how to easily edit banners with pro-life messages which they can later distribute via social media.
  11. The National Day of Pro-Life T-Shirts – teenagers and young people are invited to print or paint pro-life shirts, to get a picture with the t-shirt and post it on social media with the hash-tag #tricouproviata (“#prolifetshirt”).
  12. Workshop for teenagers: How to make my marching sign with a pro-life message. High-school and university students can draw their own pro-life sign to participate with in their local March for Life. Alternatively, they can take a picture of it and post it on social media under the hash-tag #pancartaproviata (“#prolifesign”).
  13. Conference with a pro-life speaker. The speaker can be a current or former president of a pro-life association, a gynecologist, a social worker, a pro-life priest or other pro-life leaders from all walks of life.
  14. The Cross for Life – charitable event organized with the goal of promoting life through running. The Cross for Life includes a Family Cross (3 km) and Children’s Cross.
  15. Plant a tree to commemorate those who did not get the chance to be born. Children, young people and adults of all ages can plant a tree in memory of abortion victims in their native city.
  16. Pro-life trip organized with teenagers and young people involved in the organization of the Month for Life. The goal is to consolidate the pro-life volunteer team and prepare it for more pro-life activities throughout the year.

President of România pentru viațăPresident of Studenți pentru viață


2011– 2022



The Center for pre and post-abortion Counseling of the Orthodox Philanthropy Association – Alba Iulia
Str. Tudor Vladimirescu Nr. 39, jud. Alba
Tel: 0788 932 863

Iochebed Center
Bd. Transilvaniei, bl. 54, ap. 24
Tel: 0358.401.487


M.A.M.A. Association – Arad
Calea Romanilor, nr. 4-8, bl. K2, sc. A, ap. 1, Arad
Tel: 0257.211.041, 0751.873.397


The “Annunciation” Center of Counselling and Support for Children and Parents – Hârja
Str. Nemirei 174, Hârja, comuna Oituz, jud. Bacău


“Little feet” Counselling Center
Str. George Coșbuc bl. 34, ap. 20, Et. 3 Baia Mare, Jud. Maramureș
Tel: 004.0362.800.770 / 004.0737.177.277


Iochebed Foundation
B-dul Griviței, nr. 61, Bl. 46, Sc. B, Apt. 1, Brașov
Tel: 0368.449.283


The “Holy Empress Alexandra” Counselling and Support Center for Parents and Children
Str. Virgiliu, nr. 81, et. 8, ap. 801
Tel: 0800.070.013.

The “Holy Empress Helen” Counselling and Information Center
Bd. Basarabia nr. 28 A, et. 3, Sector 2.
Tel: 0800.070.013


The Pro Vita Clinic
Str. Teodor Mihali nr. 38-40
Tel: 0264.431.891, 0748.127.021


M.A.M.A. Counselling Center
Str. 1 mai, nr. 13, Dej
Tel: 0364.410.139


M.A.M.A. Association – Deva
Str. Liliacului, Bl. 17, Sc. A, Apt. 2 Tel: 0354.803.686


The “Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel” Social Institution for Victims of Domestic Violence
Comuna Slobozia, jud. Giurgiu
Tel: 0769.683.407


M.A.M.A. Association – Hunedoara
Str. George Enescu, nr. 12, Bl. 108, Sc. A, Ap. 4
Tel: 0354.416.911


The Praesidio Center for Pregnant Women in difficulty
Tel Verde: 0800 800 116


“St Elizabeth” Counselling and Support Center
Str. București, 59, Sc. 1, Et. 3, Chișinău
Tel: +373 781 27 007

The Diaconia Social Mission
Str. Criuleni 22 (Cart. Poșta Veche)
Tel: (+373 22) 46-32-28, (+373 22) 46-32-31, (+373 22) 46-32-34


“Puls” Information and Counselling Center
Str. Aurel Lazăr, nr. 4A, ap. 8
Tel: 0359.800.665, 0755.206.787


“Elena” Center
Str. Călărași nr. 10A, Rădăuți, Suceava
Tel: 0755.050.005


“Doamna Maria Brâncoveanu” Counselling and Information Center
Str. Scuarul Mircea cel Bătrân, Nr. 1,
Râmnicu Vâlcea
Tel: 0734.207.681


Casa Vieţii (“The House of Life”)
Str. Tache Ionescu, nr. 10 Tel: 0744.405.250
On Tuesdays and Thursdays


The Iochebed Center
Str. Curtea Domnească, nr. 1, bl. 14, Sc. B, Ap. 2
Tel: 0230.523.380


The Mater Misericordiae House
Str. Gh. Doja, nr. 25A Tel: 0721.335.704

Estera Foundation
Str. Timotei Cipariu, nr. 3
Tel: 0256.492.862, fax 0356.809.205


The Pro-Vita Social Center of Valea Plopului Parish
Valea Plopului, jud. Prahova
Tel: 0745.223.663


[1] Vincent M. Rue, Priscilla K. Coleman, James J. Rue, David C. Reardon, „Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women”, Medical Science Monitor; 10(10), 2004.
[2] National Institute of Statistics, Tempo Online database: bles/insse-table Natural movement of population – Birth rate – Pregnancy terminations
[3] Vincent M. Rue, Priscilla K. Coleman, James J. Rue, David C. Reardon, „Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women”, Medical Science Monitor; 10(10), 2004
[4] Idem.
[5] David C. Reardon, Ph.D., „Abortion Decisions and the Duty to Screen: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Implications of Predic- tive Risk Factors of Post-Abortion Maladjustment”, San Diego, CA.
[6] „Forced Abortion in America: A Special Report”, The Elliot Institute. Abortions.pdf
[7] Nidhi Subbaraman, Homicide is a top cause of maternal death in the United States. Nature, 2021.
[8] M. Gissler et. al., „Pregnancy Associated Deaths in Finland 1987-1994 – definition problems and benefits of record linkage”, Acta Obsetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 76:651-657 (1997); and M. Gissler, „Injury deaths, suicides and homicides associated with pregnancy, Finland 1987-2000”, European J. Public Health 15(5):459-63 (2005). Citat în: „Forced Abortion in America: A Special Report”, The Elliot Institute.
[9] Vincent M. Rue, Priscilla K. Coleman, James J. Rue, David C. Reardon, „Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women”, Medical Science Monitor, 10(10), 2004.
[10] Priscilla K. Coleman, „Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009”, British Journal of Psychiatry, (2011) 199, pp. 180-6.
[11] The Campaign „Sănătatea reproducerii – tu decizi ce este mai bine pentru tine!”, DSP Suceava, 2021.

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