Why abortion supporters have drawn dozens of obscene slogans along the route of the March for Life in Bucharest, Romania?

ABOVE: “R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch), get out of my p___y!”

Studenţi pentru viaţă, March 26th, 2017

Along the approved route of the March for Life 2017 – “Help the mother and child! They depend on you” in Bucharest, Romania abortion supporters have drawn dozens of obscene and hateful slogans.

The messages were written on the night before the march and could not be cleaned before the event. All passers-by – adults and children – could see them as well as the 8,000 participants to the march, among whom many children accompanying their parents.

Since the year has 365 days and Bucharest has hundreds of routes available for pro-abortion marches where they could creatively express themselves, why did abortion supporters want to vandalize so many buildings and advertising billboards, including three architectural monuments of which one was a church?

The answer is simple:

For lack of arguments, the only tools left to those who want to determine a change are violence, lies and fear-inducing.
Before the march, a sea of obscenity, menace and lie against the pro-life movement has invaded the Romanian Internet. In the darkness of the night before the march, this sea of hatred spouted and stained – both literally and symbolically – the spaces along the route of the march.

Yet, we are very happy that, during the event, a violent group failed to spark the conflict they sought with the participants.

We apologize for posting photos of these messages and a typical message of online bullying received on Facebook by one of the volunteers of our organization.

We publish the photos below because they explain that the fight for life is not only a debate of ideas with fair-play adversaries who support abortion. The fight for life unfortunately means exposing oneself to the violence of violent, hypocritical and intolerant adversaries.

Read also Press release: The March for Life 2017 in Romania: 110,000 de participants in 138 cities

Read also The press release of the March for Life 2017 – “Help the mother and child! They depend on you”

ABOVE: “The right to life without children!!!”

ABOVE: “Down with R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch)!!!”

ABOVE: “R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch) anti-women”

ABOVE: “R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch), march out of my p___y!!!”

ABOVE: “R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch) money machine”


ABOVE: “Sex education prevents abortion”

ABOVE: “My aborted fetus makes coalition against family” (pun alluding to the Coalition for Family, the alliance of pro-family organizations having orchestrated the citizens’ initiative to enshrine in Romania’s Constitution, through referendum, the definition of marriage as a “union between one man and one woman”)

ABOVE: “My p___y, my choice”

ABOVE: “B__w me, R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch)”

ABOVE: “Abortion is not a common decision!”

ABOVE: “R(omanian) O(rthodox) C(hurch) mafia”

Read also “Europe will live only if the Europe inside the pregnant women’s wombs lives”: Speech held by Alexandra Nadane, President of „Studenţi pentru viaţă”, at the March for Life 2017 in Bucharest, Romania

Read also LifeSiteNews: More than 100,000 march for life in Romania, Moldova

Read also VIDEO: The March for Life 2017 in Bucharest seen from the Prodocens Media drone

Read also Why abortion supporters have drawn dozens of obscene slogans along the route of the March for Life in Bucharest, Romania?

Read also Press release: The March for Life 2017 in Romania: 110,000 de participants in 138 cities

Read also The Pro-Life Month and the March for Life 2017 in 290 cities and towns across Romania and the Republic of Moldova

Read also Press Release: The March for Life Romania and the Republic of Moldova 2017 – “Help the Mother and Child! They Depend on You”


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